Supporting women to change their relationship with alcohol and create their dream life.

Improve your life by taking control of alcohol.

Ever wondered what it is like to live alcohol free? Or even taking a tactical break to take stock?

I will support you to change your relationship with alcohol without asking you to STOP! I can support you to navigate an alcohol free lifestyle or tactical break that will improve every aspect of life.

Including better sleep, relationships, productivity, physical health, mental health and clarity.

I am Alison!

Your sober curious coach.

I help women like you who are sick and tired of being sick and tired and continuing to thinking about drinking.

Women who seem successful, confident, intelligent, from the outside, but unhappy, and stuck in the “drinking cycle” in the inside.

Me at Falls of Falloch Easter 2024.

Women who are questioning their relationship with alcohol, their life, their work, their whole world and do not know how to take the next step.

I support women to identify a new plan. One that will guide them to the life they actually want and not the one they have “settled with”.

Women who feel they have no purpose, who have “mislaid” their real identity and who have no real hope for a happy, successful future.

I will not ask you to join a group, or even ask you to stop drinking. I will not make you promises or tell you it is easy, (it is not easy).

What I will do is support you on your journey and help you discover your true authentic self, worth and future.

What kind of person do you want to be? What kind of lifestyle do you want? What does your happiness look like?

Supporting women to change their relationship with alcohol and create their dream life.

Take the first step to identify your alcohol assessment score?

It is a good idea to get an understanding of the level of drinking you do and what this means in the grand scheme of things.

You can complete the assessment below to get started. The assessment was developed by World Health Organisation (WHO). It is a reliable and simple tool, sensitive to early detection of alcohol misuse, such as risk drinking or alcohol.

If you really want to make a change you need to be really honest with yourself. To do this complete the assessment below to get clarity on your drinking levels and what they mean for you.

You just have to take the first step.

Supporting women to change their relationship with alcohol and create their dream life.